Hotel Reichegger ***
Weidachstrasse 4
I - 39030 Uttenheim - Südtirol - Italien
Tel: +39 0474 597103 • Fax: +39 0474 597375
info@reichegger.com • P.IVA: 01500260219
Bruder Willram Str. 33
I- 39031 Bruneck - Südtirol - Italien
Tel +39 348 7156971
info@inoova.it • www.inoova.it
Stephanie Richcorner
info@stephanie-richcorner.com •
• Hotel Reichegger • Martin Tinkhauser • Helene Brunner • Südtirol Marketing Gesellschaft with pictures of • Alessandro Trovati • Frieder Blickle • Helmuth Rier • Clemens Zahn • Alex Filz • Thomas Grüner
Hotelpartner of Sportler
As a guest in our hotel you can enjoy many privileges and benefits in all Sportler branches and partner shops.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 ("Code relating to the protection of personal data"), we would like to inform all users that the data they provide when making inquiries or reservations may be used for processing, advertising, and/or other activities of us or our partners in the tourism and hotel sector. The data are processed in written form and/or on magnetic media, electronic media and in compliance with all security measures guaranteeing their security and confidentiality. Hotel Reichegger is the responsible for data processing. Affected parties can check, correct, supplement, or delete their data at any time by writing to Hotel Reichegger, Weidachstrasse 4, I - 39030 Uttenheim or to the following e-mail address info(at)reichegger.com.