The Reichegger Family
Our Grandma and Grandpa began in 1959, opening their doors to our first guests. Quite simply, with shared toilet and wood stove in the kitchen. Later, word traveled and an expansion was inevitable, so to meet the demand of more and more guests the hotel was expanded and redecorated in 1975.
Now their son Manfred, with the support of his family, runs the Reichegger hotel. He's the first one to wake up and has the best daily tipps for our guests! Even Grandma and Grandpa still help. Grandpa takes care of the breakfast and our garden, while grandma makes sure that everything sparkles and shines.
Rosalinde, the sister of Manfred is taking care of the reservations and provides a charming atmosphere in the hotel. In the dining room & office Stephanie shines with her happy & outgoing nature.
Monika is the "sporty" one: In the early morning you will find her in the kitchen ... or on the highest mountains in South Tyrol !
If worse comes to worse sometimes Michi, our lanky golden boy jumps in and tells jokes to our guests, which are received well. Kathrin, the second eldest daughter of Manfred is young and searching for herself in Berlin.
Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our Grandma, but we still feel her with daily hints, tipps and lots of care from above.